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2016-08-04 09:43  

英国当地时间2016年7月25日,英国内政部出台新政策,英国留学,低于13个月硕士(不含学前语言)可以多得到6个月签证,目前只适用于牛津 剑桥 巴斯大学和帝国理工学院。
        英国当地时间2016年7月25日,英国内政部出台新政策,英国留学,低于13个月硕士(不含学前语言)可以多得到6个月签证,目前只适用于牛津、剑桥、巴斯大学和帝国理工学院 。
        政策变动范围:T4 (学生签证)
        Tier 4 Policy Guidance version 07/2016 page 92

       政策变动内容:Annex 6 Tier 4 Pilot 

        1. If you are applying to study a Masters course for 13 months or less(excluding the duration of any pre-sessional course) at the University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, University of Bath or Imperial College London, you are eligible to participate in the Tier 4 pilot. This includes if you are applying from both outside and inside the UK.
        1) 牛津大学
        2) 剑桥大学
        3) 巴斯大学
        4) 伦敦帝国学院
        2. Participating in the pilot allows you to:
        ·  stay longer after the end of the course - the total length of stay you are allowed is the full length of the course plus six months after the end of the course;
        ·  submit fewer evidential documents with your application – you will not be required to submit certificates or documents showing your previous qualifications or transcript of results and documents showing you meet the maintenance requirements.
        1) 毕业后留英时间延长:课程结束后算起可以多驻留6个月。
        2) 免递给移民局的申请材料:
        i) 用于证明过去学习经历的毕业证书和成绩单
        ii) 证明生活费的银行证明信或银行流水

        3. In all cases you must confirm on your application form that you meet the requirements and that you hold documentary evidence in the manner required. We may request these from you even where you qualify for the pilot. The Immigration Rules still apply to you, therefore you must ensure you follow the rest of the guidance carefully. This includes submitting an ATAS certificate and TB screening certificate where appropriate.
        4. If you do choose to submit documentary evidence, despite being eligible for the pilot, we will consider that information as part of the overall assessment.
        5. If you are bringing dependants with you and they apply at the same time as you, they will also not be required to submit documents showing they meet the maintenance requirements. If they don’t apply at the same time they will need to submit supporting documentation with their application.
        6. If you have any concerns, speak to your University visa office in the first instance.

        1. 每个学校对申请人申请的 Masters course 方向是有不同要求的,比如伦敦帝国学院要求申请人需要读 Master’s degree (MSc and MBA) or research Master’s degree (MRes) 这几个方向。
        2. 针对在2016年7月25日之前拿到签证的申请人,需要去相应学校的University visa office 或 international office咨询签证延期事宜。

        时间:7月30日 14:00-18:00

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